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Why We Love The Jesus Storybook Bible

Our family has read through our copy of this fantastic children's Bible at least 10 times so far. We love it. Why?

Because its simple.

It tells God's BIG story and shows how the little stories of the Bible each whisper the name of Jesus. Each night we can grab it and read a story for our family worship time and know that, over time, our children will learn to read the whole Bible with Jesus in mind.

As a church we love it because it makes a great gift. Every child (and most teens!) who are our guests LOVE receiving this beautiful book. Several teens have told me of taking it home and reading it through that day because it was so engaging they couldn't put it down.

Yes! That's a win!

Help your child learn to love God's Word by getting this easy-to-understand, beautifully printed, and epic Story.

Help OTHER children get God's Story through First Baptist by giving a special gift (with "Bibles" in the memo line)!

Or, give this great resource as your gift at the next birthday party or baby shower you go to!

Here's one our favorite stories (begins at 45 seconds)!

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