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What Is A First Connections Class?

The First Connections Class is the way people new to First Baptist meet our Leadership Team (we call them Shepherds), find out how to connect with FBC, and explore how their story can be a part of what God is doing in Deer Park.

So basically, you're invited for dinner!

The Shepherds (our leadership team) and their wives invite you to join them for a 3-hour discussion class and dinner. Our pastoral staff (that's Pastors David & Caleb) are the primary presenters throughout the evening and your input is appreciated.

Past menus have included Lasagna, Chicken Taquitos, and Raspberry Streusel Bars and are all catered by our very own Chef Charity.

RSVP to the First Connections Class on April 28th!

Email Pastor Caleb and find out when our next class is!

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