Exciting News!
We are so excited that God has brought new families to our church and the student ministry has doubled since this time last year! Last month, we welcomed two new regular volunteers who have begun facilitating a weekly discussion segment of class specifically for the older students. The older students continue to serve during other parts of the class, befriending the preschoolers one-on-one as we train our students for a lifetime of ministry. The Bible teaches that parents, not the church, are the primary spiritual leaders over their children. Our student ministry class aims to come alongside families and support them by reinforcing the spiritual training that happens in the home. Recently we realized that two families were teaching their children a hymn a month at home so we collaborated to focus on that same hymn each week in our class as well. We continue to use The Gospel Project curriculum (a three year journey through the Bible). Over the past year, we have covered the gospels, the life of Christ, and Paul's missionary journeys. Between now and the end of the summer, we will delve into the New Testament letters all the way through Revelation. In the fall, we will begin studying the Old Testament. The reason why we are so excited about this curriculum is because it is not an isolated collection of "stand-alone" Bible stories, but rather every single lesson connects back to the story of redemption. It is designed to help students understand the themes of the Bible as a whole and to see how it all leads to Jesus. Thank you for your support in this ministry! It is a privilege to serve. Elisa Stapp

Interested in serving with me? The Nursery Team video and application is where you can start right now or send me an email! For further reading, check out this article: https://calledtomothering.com/2017/09/15/stop-relying-on-church-for-your-kids-spiritual-training/ Parents, if you haven't yet downloaded the Lifeway Kids app, check it out! For each week, you can access audio recordings of the theme song and bible verse song, the Bible lesson video, and other tools great for review at home.