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Three Celebrations

At our Shepherd's Forum on Sunday Pastor David shared several exciting celebrations that we want to make sure you hear about. First, there's a new women's Triad meeting regularly to talk about what the Bible says and discuss the Discipleship Triad Starter Questions! That is a big deal. These women are owning their spiritual growth and not depending on others to spoonfeed them. They're caring for each other in new ways and learning what it means to grow up in Jesus. Second, we have multiple members engaging in personal community service. Three different families or individuals are caring for people in nursing homes through regular visits, Bible studies, and personal care. Third, one Small Group will take their third trip to serve at the Union Gospel Mission this week. They're making the hurting and hopeless a priority. That same group also served the business community of Deer Park a free lunch this week (Caleb & Chris are pictured below cooking the burgers, but David's Small Group were the primary food providers with all the toppings and desserts). What a neat juxtaposition of serving people at different ends of the economic spectrum with the same love. Please join us in celebrating what God is doing in us and through us as we make disciples by nurturing individuals in grace!

Caleb & Chris Cooking For The Chamber

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