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BBQs & Love

Did you know our church has members who have hosted neighborhood BBQs in the past month with more than 75 guests? Jesus said to love our neighbors. Its hard to love someone if you don't know them so two families hosted BBQs to get to know their neighbors. Oh, its easy to SAY you love them. But love is patient and love is kind. If you haven't been patient or kind with a neighbor then you probably haven't loved them. Because of your regular, sacrificial, and cheerful giving we've supported those members in these ways: - Designed and printed invitations - Loaned out the sandwich board sign (they covered our message with posters about their BBQs) - Loaned out 3 tables for serving food - Loaned out 1 canopy for shade - Loaned out table-topping signs - We've trained them at church events on hospitality - One family loaned another family the ice chests needed to keep food safe so guests weren't poisoned (always a goal worth striving for, right??)! - Small Groups prayed for the families and the impact their service would have on their neighborhoods So realize that not only did you have a part in assisting other members of the body of Christ in loving their neighbors but they're ready to help you too! Whether you're ready to invite the neighborhood to a BBQ or just invite one family over for dinner start taking steps. We're here to help each other serve Jesus so ask for help.


Want to take a baby-step? Start praying for five neighbors each day by signing up at

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